Abrakadoodle | Programs | Kids First Sports Center

KidsFirst Sports Center

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Abrakadoodle art classes and camps for kids are all about creativity! Kids use their imagination while using a wide variety of art materials. Our students explore artists, techniques and world cultures. Each art camp includes art lessons, games, stories, music, activities and tons of smiles, laughs and FUN!

We offer art classes and camps for kids of these age groups:

  • Twoosy Doodlers – Classes only - 20 months to 3 years old - This special parent/child class is a highly recommended first toddler art class. Twoosy Doodlers develop their sensory, language, social skills as well as fine and gross motor skills. They learn about color, texture and more while experimenting with new materials.
  • Mini Doodlers– Classes and Camps - 3-5 years old - Mini Doodlers gleefully create their own masterpieces using a wide range of materials. They develop skills important for school readiness such as fine motor skills, language, cognitive skills and the ability to listen and follow directions.
  • Doodlers – Classes and Camps - 6 years old and up - Doodlers develop new skills and talents while designing unique creations using a variety of materials. They develop artistic skills, craftsmanship, knowledge of artistic styles, art history and the power of self-expression.


Abrakadoodle Art Classes:

  • Provide a  trained qualified teacher
  • Use safe non-toxic Crayola ® materials
  • Often frame artwork  using our special FrameDoodles®
  • Develop individual style and creativity
  • Increase visual arts knowledge and vocabulary
  • Offer exposure to artists and different art styles
  • Introduce a wide variety of materials and techniques
  • Encourage problem solving and thinking skills
  • Promote self-confidence!

Abrakadoodle celebrates imagination and fun!

We also offer Special Art Events: Birthday Parties, Face Painting, Adult Art Classes, Parent Night Out, Creativity Workshops for Parents and Educators, and other arty adventures!

For more information contact us at:
Ceneetra Anderson – Educational Director
513-297-5655 or canderson@abrakadoodle.com
Facebook link - https://www.facebook.com/AbrakadoodleCincinnati/